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Locked Featured Forum Rules & Guidelines

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Welcome to our community focused on hacking, cracking, and tech discussions. The content here is intended for educational purposes, but we must ensure a respectful, secure, and organized space. Please read and follow these rules:

1. Educational Intent Only

  • The primary purpose of this forum is for educational discussions on hacking, cracking, and cybersecurity techniques.
  • Use this space to share knowledge, learn, and develop skills. Any discussions must be framed as hypothetical or for research purposes only.
  • No encouragement or incitement to use information for illegal purposes.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that your use of this knowledge complies with your local laws.

2. No Real-World Attacks or Fraud

  • Do not post, request, or share real-world exploits, illegal account access, credit card fraud, or identity theft in a way that directly encourages or facilitates crime.
  • Discussions around vulnerabilities, cracking, and tools are allowed only in an educational context.
  • No sharing of actual stolen data, credentials, or card details.

3. Respect Privacy

  • Do not post, request, or share personal identifying information (e.g., real names, addresses, passwords) without explicit consent.
  • No doxxing or revealing real-world identities, even in hypothetical discussions.
  • Respect the anonymity of members and maintain their privacy.

4. Ethical Use of Tools

  • When sharing tools or exploits, make clear that they are for educational use. Indicate any ethical considerations.
  • Do not post or request malware, ransomware, or any other tool designed with the sole intent to cause harm (outside of educational malware analysis).
  • Posting reverse-engineering tutorials, software bypass methods, and cracking tools is permitted only in a learning or research context.

5. No Real-Life Targeting

  • Do not post or request exploits targeting specific organizations, individuals, or websites with the intent to cause harm.
  • Keep discussions theoretical or related to simulated environments for learning purposes (e.g., Capture the Flag events, private lab setups).

6. No Spam or Unsolicited Promotion

  • Avoid irrelevant promotions, spam, or unsolicited advertisements, especially unrelated to the forum's core topics.
  • Self-promotion of blogs, services, or tools is allowed in designated areas, provided it contributes value to the community.

7. Stay On-Topic

  • Keep discussions within the relevant categories. Off-topic discussions should be limited to the appropriate sections (e.g., Off-Topic Lounge).
  • Use descriptive titles for posts and tag content appropriately to help others navigate.

8. Report and Respect Moderators

  • If you see content that violates these guidelines, report it to the moderators.
  • Moderators will handle all violations, and their decisions are final. Respect their role in maintaining the forum's structure.
  • Any disputes with moderation should be addressed privately.

9. No Harmful Sharing

  • Avoid posting harmful content such as explicit step-by-step guides for criminal activities (e.g., bypassing systems in real-time, phishing). Instead, keep it theoretical.
  • No real-world distribution of cracked software, stolen credentials, or access methods that can lead to direct misuse.

10. Legal Disclaimer

  • All content and discussions on this forum are intended for educational and research purposes only.
  • Forum administrators, moderators, and members are not responsible for any actions taken as a result of the information shared.
  • Users are expected to understand and comply with the laws in their respective countries.

Your contributions should aim to educate and foster discussions on hacking and cybersecurity practices in a responsible way. We do not condone illegal activities, and members who directly facilitate or promote illegal use will be removed from the forum

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